+ 49 (421) 95910777



Your virtual office in New Delhi's excellent location
Neu-Delhi - Gurgaon
Virtual-Office Neu-Dehli

Virtual Office New Delhi

Your virtual office in New Delhi

New Delhi is the capital and seat of government of India. Winding old town streets, mosques, memorials and colorful markets characterize the metropolis. Including the Taj Mahal, the Lotus Temple, the Chandni Chowk Market or the wonderful Lodhi Garden.
As far as the Indian economy is concerned, it is characterized by large domestic demand and investments, especially in the capital. The most important economic sectors are industry and the service sector. Including insurance, credit and energy companies. But gastronomy also plays an important role.
Renting a virtual office in New Delhi is always a good idea. New Delhi is not only historically very important, but also has a lot to offer due to its individuality.


Prestigious business address in New Delhi

The offices are located in the city of Gurgaon, approximately 20 kilometers southwest of New Delhi. Gurgaon is the second largest center for the IT and financial industry and serves as the headquarters of numerous large companies. Golf Course Road offers the perfect blend of luxury residential and sprawling office complexes.

Virtual Office Neu-Dehli

Ihr virtuelles Büro mit Empfang und Erreichbarkeitsservice in Form einer behördlich anerkannten… 

  • Postadresse
    • Ideal zur Eröffnung weiterer Standorte und Dependancen mit werbewirksamer Darstellung auf Ihren Webseiten oder auf Printmedien.

    Neben der Verfügbarkeit eines virtuellen Büros haben Sie hier häufig auch die Möglichkeit, Büro- & Meetingräume vor Ort anzumieten.


    Leistungen am Standort Neu-Dehli


    • Postdienstleistungen
      • PostINbox
        Info-Mail bei Posteingang. Auf Wunsch werden Ihre Poststücke digitalisiert, in die PostINBox eingestellt und können jederzeit und weltweit abgerufen werden. Ergänzend oder ersatzweise Versand per Post.
      • PostOUTbox
        Versenden Sie Briefe so einfach wie E-Mails. Ein Klick und Ihr Versandstück befindet sich in Ihrer PostOUTbox bei uns im Postzentrum. Wir falzen, kuvertieren, frankieren und versenden für Sie.
    • Meetingräume und Büros
      • Eigener, virtueller Meetingraum („ZOOM & CO.“ sind verzichtbar)
      • Standortunabhängige und weltweite Möglichkeit, Ihre Kunden „Face to Face“ zu beraten
      • Physische Meetingräume und Büros sind häufig stunden-, tageweise oder auf Dauer buchbar
    • Online-Kurse
      • Erfolgreich beraten und verkaufen in Online-Meetings und Video-Chats
      • Erfolgreich networken im AUXILIUM Mitglieder-Bereich
      • Bei Google auf Seite 1 mit dem AUXILIUM Dependance-Modell



          1 Golf Course Road
          122002 Gurgaon, Haryana
          2 +49 421 95910777
          3 info@virtual-office24.com


          Customize your virtual office New Delhi

          according to your wishes


          As a member of Virtual-Office24 you can use this virtual office at the following
          Rent special conditions and land at G o o g l e on page 1 :

          Virtual office
          Leistungen Virtual Office

          In der Desktopversion unserer Website finden Sie detaillierte Informationen und können sich Ihr Virtual Office individuell zusammenstellen.

          Hier können Sie eine Übersicht zu unseren Leistungen herunterladen.

          Select the desired payment option
          Monthly fee
          • Officially recognized address
            Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
            Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • Google page 1 option
          • Free virtual meeting room
          • PostINbox Digital **
            PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
            Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
            Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • Scan service & upload in digital mailbox
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
            Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
            Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
            PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
          • Outgoing mail
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
            Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • Acceptance and delivery of documents, packages, etc.
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
            Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
            Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
            Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
            Address information in imprint
          • Summonable address
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
            Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation***
            Provision of a desk workstation***
          • Provision of a locker or roll container
            Provision of a locker or roll container
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
            Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • Registrable in public registers
          • Upgrades
          • Local network phone number DE Basic incl. app (per month)
          • 3 local network phone numbers DE Business incl. app & telephone system (per month)
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
            Rental space for company sign (per month)
          • Standby telephone secretary DE (per month)
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
            Provision of meeting & conference rooms
          Monthly fee
          • Officially recognized address
            Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
            Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • Google page 1 option
          • Free virtual meeting room
          • PostINbox Digital **
            PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
            Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
            Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • Scan service & upload in digital mailbox
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
            Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
            Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
            PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
          • Outgoing mail
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
            Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • Acceptance and delivery of documents, packages, etc.
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
            Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
            Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
            Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
            Address information in imprint
          • Summonable address
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
            Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation ***
            Provision of a desk workstation ***
          • Bereitstellung eines Schrankfaches oder Rollcontainers
            Bereitstellung eines Schrankfaches oder Rollcontainers
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
            Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • Registrable in public registers
          • Upgrades
          • Local network phone number DE Basic incl. app (per month)
          • 3 local network phone numbers DE Business incl. app & telephone system (per month)
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
            Rental space for company sign (per month)
          • Standby telephone secretary DE (per month)
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
            Provision of meeting & conference rooms
          Postal address
          • Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • -
          • -
          • PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • -
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
          • -
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • -
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
          • -
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation***
          • Provision of a locker or roll container
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • -
          • Upgrades
          • -
          • -
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
          • -
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
          Postal address
          • Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • -
          • -
          • PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • -
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
          • -
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • -
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
          • -
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation ***
          • Bereitstellung eines Schrankfaches oder Rollcontainers
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • -
          • Upgrades
          • -
          • -
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
          • -
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
          Business address


          • Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • -
          • -
          • PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • -
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
          • -
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • -
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
          • -
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation***
          • Provision of a locker or roll container
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • -
          • Upgrades
          • -
          • -
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
          • -
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
          Business address


          • Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • -
          • -
          • PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • -
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
          • -
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • -
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
          • -
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation ***
          • Bereitstellung eines Schrankfaches oder Rollcontainers
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • -
          • Upgrades
          • -
          • -
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
          • -
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
          Domicile address

          74,95 €

          • Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
            On request
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
            9,95 €
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation***
          • Provision of a locker or roll container
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • Upgrades
          • On request
          • On request
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
            9,95 €
          • 9,95 €
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
            On request
          Domicile address

          95,95 €

          • Officially recognized address
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / forwarding
          • PostINbox Digital **
          • Mail & parcel acceptance / storage / digitization
          • Info mail sent to you just-in-time when you receive it
          • Physical mail forwarding / pickup
          • Mail archiving audit-proof according to GoBD
            On request
          • PostOUTbox Digital ** (optional)
            (Shipping from Germany)
            9,95 €
          • Welcome/Reception
          • Welcoming and hosting your visitors and guests
          • Availability of assistance & secretarial services
          • Address usage
          • Location information and advertising on websites, print media, packaging, etc.
          • Address information in imprint
          • Domicile Service Headquarter
          • Provision of a desk workstation ***
          • Bereitstellung eines Schrankfaches oder Rollcontainers
          • Possibility to apply for a tax number
          • Upgrades
          • On request
          • On request
          • Rental space for company sign (per month)
            9,95 €
          • 9,95 €
          • Provision of meeting & conference rooms
            On request

          * If a product bundle with the same scope of services is offered elsewhere at a lower price within 30 days of your booking, we will either go with this price or you can switch immediately without notice and get your money back.

          ** Download PDF price list here

          *** Use according to availability. Separately chargeable according to the price list of the location

          **** Requirements of the foreign network agency must be met by the customer.

          Setup fees = 1 gross monthly fee
          Deposit = 3 gross monthly flat rates
          Set-up costs telephone = one-time 69 € plus. 29 € per terminal
          Manufacturing company reference = €100.00

          All amounts stated are exclusive of Statutory VAT (except the deposit), if it is to be charged.

          The initial term is 12 months with automatic renewal for the same period unless canceled in writing within 3 months prior to expiration.

          Check availability at the desired location now!

          After we have checked the availability at your desired location, you will be forwarded directly to our configurator .
          In our configurator you can customize your own virtual office!

          Virtual Office 1
          Wunschstandort EN

          Ihr Wunschort ist nicht dabei? Dann klicken Sie hier!

          Rent an office address

          You are not sure whether you want to rent a postal address, a business address that can be summoned or a domicile address (company headquarters) ? Or would you like to know what the difference is between a business address and a company headquarters ?

          Make sure to choose the right design for your virtual office. You will receive valuable decision-making assistance by clicking on the green buttons below!

          With this you are always right and never pay too much!